The Wrong investors that hold a minimum of 1% of the Wrong supply (you're a Wrong Whale!) in a single wallet can get their greedy hands on our coin purse that is gathering the right blue chip cryptos. As an alternative to entry, hold 1 million Wrong Tokens and a Wrong NFT in the same wallet.
When the total in the Wrong Coin Purse reaches each $1000 interval, the Wrong One Club will vote on whether to cash it out or to let it ride.
Your Lambo is in ❌ The Wrong Parking Lot!
We offer NFTs that pay the Wrong Rewards. The 1st 10 (of 100?) cost only .15 BNB. After these 10 were sold, rewards began and have been incredible. The price of these NFTs increase with each new set minted. Future lambo owners must hold a minimum of 100K $Wrong and a Wrong Parking Pass NFT in a single wallet to qualify for Wrong Rewards.
The Wrong Rewards are airdrops of The Wrong Token.
When the wrong parking lot is full, we will race these muthas and drop $Wrong into the qualifying lambos.
Holders of The Wrong Token have an influence on our direction and future. Wrong Token now has a governance utility. You will decide.
Our unique governance submission and voting system allows Wrong holders to propose changes and champion an addendum.
Votes are fully visible on the blockchain. Our governance system allows the Wrong voters to feel comfortable knowing there isn't a DApp or complex methodology.
Nathan is the Wrong Token's largest holder. He eats 2% of every transaction. Nathan can never sell and eats like an elephant. His hunger fuels our supply shock tokenomics that reduces circulating supply with every buy, sell, and transfer.
XMint the Wrong token XMake the Wrong website X Stealth launch because f#ck it XBurn some and pretend that it adds value XRenounce the contract and act like that helps anyone XOpen a shitty Telegram Chat full of confused people and bots XOMG! We forgot to make a Twitter account to get DMs from scammers!
phase one
phase onephase one
phase two
phase twophase two
XPay for some ads on listing sites to bring in marketers to ban in the shitty chat XGet ripped off by a few call channels XHave you ever heard of telegram stickers bro? XSay something dumb like we're working hard in the background XPost some gifs in the shitty chat XPay for twitter followers to look better
X Get our twitter account suspended for it (We know it's X now. Shaddup.) XBreak up roadmap into phases or something X Merch, bitch. Merch.
phase three
phase threephase three
X List on a bunch of voting sites and pretend to get real votes XWaste time releasing a whitepaper like anyone would ever read it XSomeone reports that a fake Wrong Dev account is DMing "Are you available?" XExpand the idea and screw that up XTry to get a denial email from BSCSCAN to update our socials but fail XThrow away money on an AMA in a group where people just want an airdrop XGet a completely worthless audit X Pretend someone wrote a news article about us and add a link to it XRedesign the website cause that will pump us (eyeroll) XNFTs, bitch. NFTs.
phase four
phase fourphase four
XSay "wen lambo" a lot X Do another AMA where someone asks some pointed question to show
how smart they are but their own project is down 500% since launch XDisappear for like a week or so to make people nervous X Pretend Elon is tweeting directly about us and raid his tweet X Post on twitter about more big stuff we won't really do using exclamation points! X Pretend to build a DApp for several months before we just stop bringing it up X Do more of the same X Get people to understand what Wrong is actually about
phase five
phase fivephase five
OMoon Like Crazy
It is notconfusing bro
It is notconfusing broIt is notconfusing bro
The Wrong ETH Token
There was a community vote on whether or not to release an ERC20 token. This "addendum" did not pass. In response to that failed vote, Nathan (not even a real person) has retaliated by releasing The Wrong ETH Token with a stealth launch. This new token is a BSC20 token that is backed by Binance Pegged ETH in the liquidity pool. That is literally the wrong ETH. Because WrongETH's liquidity is mostly Binance Pegged Ethereum, the token will follow Ethereum's price fluctuation not BNB's.
As a fun fact, the circulating supply for WrongETH is identical to the real ETH. Did you catch that? An added note, a small portion of WrongETH's liquidity will also have Wrong tokens paired with WrongETH. On paper, if The Wrong Token's chart has a red candle, it will negatively impact The Wrong ETH Token's chart, too.
After all, it is a biosphere.
The Wrong distraction on our way to the moon.
Total Token Supply
Remaining Supply
0% Tax
Buys, Sells, and Transfers
This is not Nathan.
The Wrong EthRoadmap
The Wrong EthRoadmapThe Wrong EthRoadmap
Simple AF
Eat hot dogs
Call an ambulance
There is no crypto in outer space. FYI
Wieners & Winners
Fnu Lnu
The Other Guy
Bought a Shirt
Night Shift
no carrot
no carrotno carrot
The Other Utility
Our No Carrot philosophy is revolutionary.
We actually do what we say before we say it.
The Wrong Team does not entice investors with hype. Every new idea is completed and released before being promoted.