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Addendum Four

Proposal to launch The Wrong ETH Token

Failed - Vote did not get 61% in favor

Voting Open Oct 7, 2023 - Oct 28, 2023

For all WRONG holders with 100K tokens or more in their wallet


A Wrong ETH token release could bring new eyes and excitement to the entire Wrong project. This addendum will decide if the team proceeds with a Wrong ETH launch.

The Wrong ETH Token (WRONG) would include the following parameters:

▶️347,544,993 Tokens
▶️0% Tax
▶️No Team Tokens
▶️No utility attached directly to the ETH token.
▶️Initial LP Lock would be 30 days and then extended or burned.

There would be a standard contract and a presale on PinkSale with a 10 ETH SC/20 ETH HC. All verified members of the Wrong One Club would be whitelisted for the presale. The selling point for the ETH presale would be the 1000X success of the BSC token.

Perks would potentially include more exposure to the entire project. The BSC utilities would still exist. For ETH holders to participate in the DAO, they would need to hold BSC tokens (unless a DAO addendum changes this in the future).

In order to afford the initial launch only if the presale fills, we would need to temporarily borrow funds from the Coin Purse. This could be around $1000. Payment back to the Coin Purse would be double what was used and within 48 hours of being “borrowed”. Funds would only need to be borrowed if presale fills. Otherwise, Coin Purse funds are not needed.
The contract and initial presale fees would be paid by the Wrong Team.

All others funds garnered from the presale not used for the ETH LP will go to strengthening the project as a whole. This would include operational costs, BSC LP, marketing, buybacks, utilities, etc.





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